Friday 2 May 2014

How many times a week should I train to lose fat and tone up?

The question above is a one that I get asked time and time again

In my professional and personal experience, the higher the frequency, the more dramatic and longer lasting your results are
First things first, calories play a major part in weight loss and here's why. There are 3500 calories per pound of body fat. That theoretically would mean that if you were to drop 500 calories per day for 7 days via either diet, exercise or combination of the two, you would lose a pound a week. So you can see with that in mind, the more often you train, the more likely you are to drop the weight

I think it's now pretty obvious how higher frequencies of training can directly correlate with your success in the gym!

Truth be told though, there are a lot more factors to weight loss than just exercising and diet
Things that can also affect how quickly you LOSE or GAIN weight are:-

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress from work or other
All three kinda go hand in hand, so sometimes it makes sense to talk to your trainer or training buddy about what you can do to relieve these problem.The internet is not always a great resource for answers. Ask a professional or someone else who has experience in  weight loss

As a basic format for weight loss, you will need 3-4 workouts per week, usually lasting at least 45 minutes in length
The session should consist of:-
  • A warmup
  • 2-3 weight lifting complexes consisting of at least one big compound move
  • High intensity interval training using CV and resistance
  • Cooldown and stretch
Keep rest between sets short and work HARD!

Saturday 5 April 2014

Tips to burn fat

Hi guys

Just coming at you with a really quick and brief list of tips to help you to burn more body fat from this day onward

1. Do high ntensity interval training

2. Lift weights, and I don't mean sissy ones!

3. Cut carbs. Replace with fibrous and high protein natural choices

4. Get your healthy fats in

5. Get to sleep sooner

6. Walk more

7. Spread your food intake across the day into smaller portions

That's it for now and I will elaborate on these points during our sessions this coming week

See ya


Tuesday 24 December 2013

Types of bad posture and the reasons why you might have them

Correct and healthy posture is defined as the natural positions that balance and support your body's ability to deal with extrinsic resistance such as gravity differing loads
Good posture is described as the ear, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle being in straight alignment as seen from the side

There are three main types of poor posture, each of which have a noticeable difference from each other relating from different points along the spine and differing habitual reasons

This back posture exaggerates the lumbar curve. Standing tall with knees locked will cause the ear to be aligned behind the shoulder and may well create a situation where the shoulders and neck become tight too

From a front on view, this abnormality is centred around the core muscles not functioning properly due to load repeatedly being beared to one side- things like wearing a shoulder bag, or carrying other heavy loads on one side of the body. The lack of balanced resistance leaves the shoulders out of level alignment. This may cause back pain or even organ malfunction at worst

This is a typical 'hunchback' position. This unbalanced posture causes neck and back pain due to the head sitting forward of the gravitational centre. This posture is closely linked to bad habits such as looking down at your phone or tablet, or leaning in towards the computer

So, what now???

Go to to get in touch with me

Check out this wikihow to get some tips on improving your posture--->

Friday 12 July 2013

The strength from within will give you the strength to begin

How many of us really harness our deepest mental strength to overcome a challenge??

Do YOU dig deep in order to gain perspective and to understand what's standing ahead of you, or do you simply look to either the quickest, simplest or cheapest option and negate the long hard road even if the benefit in the long run is clear to see?

As people in the western world, we are constantly bombarded with adverts for the next best thing that will revolutionise our lives until the next update is available this time next year.

I for one am personally getting quite annoyed at how these fads and ads continue to dillusion and distract us from the importance of the real deal. If you want something then you will have to work for it. Only a very lucky few have made it through this life to become a success with very little effort - I'm talking about not even 1% of the earths population! The statistics speak volumes, and the facts dont lie!

You try, you fail, you get back on, you fail again, you push harder, and then once again you slip up and fail. It is failure that we are all afraid of, but without failure there will be no success. Stop running away from failure,make it your friend and yield to the fact that failure needs you as much as you need it to be able to improve, evolve and eventually succeed. We as a species did not get here solely by luck, so please do not stop a positive cycle!

Push on and be strong!

Saturday 20 April 2013

The Ultimate Failure

If you know me well enough, then you know that I love failure. I don't mean that I relish in other peoples downfalls, rather, I see the positives of it and the key marker it produces for progression

In everything from the very first moments in your life, failure has been a key part in the development of you both physically and mentally. If it wasn't for failure we'd never GROW STRONGER and we'd never learn to deal with even the most basic of task


If you think back again to when you were a child and a time where you remember being frustrated by something that felt impossible at the time like maybe learning to ride a bike. The chances are that you probably overcame your obstacle by continually attempting to do 'the thing'

It's called practice!

And as we get older and OLDER, we fall more and more out of practice at even the simplest things that we practiced and perfected in our youth

We can learn a lot from our kids, just watch the way that they move! By the time they are 3 years old they crawl, walk, squat, push, pull, lunge, twist and lift perfectly. Most children at this age can accomplish all of these movements without dysfunction, and the chances are that their relative strength is massively higher than most adults. Now on the other hand I've met and trained plenty of people between their mid 20s to mid 60s who just couldn't ever flex their hip & knee joints at the same time whilst keeping their upper bodies extended to produce a good squat! Even the simplest thing like walking looks a bit bodged.Not a good start to any training regime in my opinion!

The culprit of this is often because of years of low intensity activity, sitting down when you could have been doing something more worthwhile with your body and thinking that entertainment is something to only be done in a vegetative stance

The solution to this is re-learn your basic pattern movements as you would as a child
Start here with this straight forward home workout:

20 bodyweight squats (with arms vertical and thumbs pointed backward)
20 individual high knees
10 deadlifts (with light dumbells or 2 food tins)
15 push ups
10 lunges (per side)
60 seconds in plank position

Do this once today all back to back, then a couple of days later have a go at twice and then top off at thrice!

If you can manage to do all of these things and of course do them properly then I have no doubt that you will instantly see and feel the results of your labour

The point of all of this is to have a balanced and well rounded ability to move and be neurologically stable

Did you know that people who can't squat properly are more likely to to develop back problems and have constipation? Who out of you can really squat for S#!t?

It is my opinion that everyone should be able to deadlift & backsquat their bodyweight for 20 repetitions to consider themselves physically strong, plus bench press their BW for 10 reps, hold the plank for a minute and be able to produce 10 pull ups. You might think that this is extreme but believe it or not, I saw a woman weighing 120lbs (same as my wife) jerk a weight of 265lbs above her head

So I put it to you to to stop failing yourself and to take this info on board and develop your technique to in turn become your stronger, better, younger self

Friday 29 March 2013

On a low calorie diet? What you need is a nice big kick in the LEPTIN!

So I know quite a few of you guys that I train and have spoken to about losing fat are on low calorie diets - and that's great!
It's great because you're showing great dedication to getting the results you want by being strict and thoughtful about what and how much you put in your body.
Now, I've spoken to most of you in the past about the possible problems caused long term by being on a calorie restricted diet and in this blog post I want to reiterate these points to you in BLACK AND WHITE!
Top of the list is LEPTIN - Leptin is a protein molecule that regulates metabolism. When you continue a calorie restricted diet for a long period, your metabolism will begin to stall and this will happen regardless of whether you are packing in 5-6 meals per day. The results of this are low levels of Leptin in the body and FAT gain. In order to counteract this as I'm sure I've said to many of you before is to bump your calories up 200 above your BMR one day every 6 weeks. Do not get confused and begin to think that low calories for the rest of your life are going to produce linear results of 1-2lbs of weight loss per week because it just won't happen!
My next point is to actually eat - Seriously guys, just eat! Prepare a third of your meals in advance of the week at the weekend and be sure to vary the foods you take in. Fill in the blanks with supplementation of vitamins, a good low in fat protein isolate powder and flaxseed powder for your fats and fibre. Never skip meals and be sensible with things like alcohol and eating out at restaurants!
Anyway guys, I'm back in London next week to train you all. Please either leave a comment, email me, text me, facebook me, tweet me, whatever! Above all else just take my advice and let's drop some fat and get energised!

Sunday 24 March 2013

Another day, another workout on holiday

OK so day 2's training workout looked like this

Part 1

Complex a) x3
15x suspension rows
5x suspension arm curls
3mins skipping rope
6x negative one arm push ups per side followed by 10 fast push ups
3x6 squat jumps

Complex b) x3
6x saddle squat jumps
5sec sprint

Part 2

Burpee tabata

Well that's it for day 2

Day 3 was 60mins of straight forward skipping to bring the intensity down a bit until today's session which I will outline come tomorrow.. Til then, adieu
